Tiene frío???

captured by saIasi

Billar- Billiards- Billard-Pool

captured by omell

caminando descalzo....

captured by saIasi

Dirty dishes

captured by Katherine /*-

like a hippie

captured by R@F@

simple... efímera diversión

captured by omell



captured by Katherine /*-

"Get out of da way!, i was here first" - grass

captured by omell

Divorced Wall

captured by omell

Tenis-Tennis- campi di tenis- теннис-تنس

captured by omell


captured by saIasi

captured by saIasi

algún problema?

Un chin

captured by Katherine /*-

Me encanta el efecto de cOntra luz.

en busca del.......... POLLO!!!

captured by saIasi

H2O sin OH

captured by saIasi

Tomando el sol

captured by Katherine /*-

Riqueza de la Educación (El fin se aselca)

captured by R@F@

Excusenme la foto pero no podia dejarla ir... tenia que expresarme de esa forma... je


captured by R@F@


captured by omell

not belonging...

linea de pobreza///

captured by Katherine /*-

Nombre un poco fuerte, perO refleja la realidad.

Left behind

captured by Katherine /*-


captured by saIasi

Fútbol-Soccer-Football-Balonpié-Nogomet-Ποδόσφαιρο etc.

captured by omell


captured by saIasi

south city sunset

captured by R@F@

...summer flowers...

captured by R@F@

Los viejos tiempos...

captured by saIasi

Bicho rarO

captured by Katherine /*-

Sentado en mi silla =P


captured by omell

Road to la finca

Flor de Macadamia


captured by omell

cocotero en Las Canas...

Old Reading

captured by R@F@

...quick thing...

captured by R@F@